Friday 20 March 2009

iPhone’s Web browser Used To Control Unmanned Aerial Vehicles [iPhone UAV Remote Control Mobile Safari Application Developed]

Following on from our post concerning Steve Moore's AirRemote iPhone
application that serves to allow your iPhone to control everything from
AV equipment to being the central control unit of a complete home
automation setup, UC Berkeley has just announced a new iPhone
application that will allow Apple's device to take control of Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) courtesy of the Mobile Safari web browser.

Developed specifically by The Center for Collaborative Control of
Unmanned Vehicles (C3UV), the application works by allowing ground based
operators to enter co-ordinates via the iPhone's Mobile Safari web
browser which are subsequently relayed to the UAV via a web site so, in
truth, this is not only control by proxy, so to speak, but at least this
method serves to get around the iPhones terms of service that stipulates
that using the iPhone to control remote vehicles of any type is
prohibited. (Incidentally, the new iPhone Software Development Kit (SDK)
license - specifically iPhone SDK, Section 3.3.7 - also prohibits the
device being used for emergency or life-saving purposes).

Quite why the iPone in particular has been singled out as a control
device, however, is open to speculation - as surely any device with web
connectivity could be used - though we suspect that the application
would not have proven quite as newsworthy if they had used one of
Nokia's recent, highly affordable handsets.

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