Friday 20 March 2009

Dell Still Selling Vostro 1310 & 1510 Laptops With Faulty Keyboards? Our Readers Say Faulty Vostros Still Being Supplied

Back in May we ran a post detailing an issue with Dell's Vostro 1310 and
Vostro 1510 laptops which had been supplied with misaligned keyboards
(see: Dell Stops Shipping Vostro 1310 & 1510 Laptop Models in Europe To
Fix Misaligned Keys) and we quoted a Dell spokesperson who confirmed
that Dell were aware of the misaligned keyboard issues and were taking
action to rectify the problem. However, according to a couple of readers
who have been in contact with us, it would appear that Vostro 1310 and
1510 laptops with the faulty keyboards are still being supplied to
customers. Are you one of those affected?On June 19th we received a
comment from a reader by the name of Dave who states:'Our company has
just received a new vostro 1310 and the lower set of keys produce the
incorrect characters, ie the keyboard is shifted by one letter!! (c=v,
v=b, b=n etc). I tried to contact Dell telephone support but was
informed they had closed for lunch!! How am I expected to run a business
with that level of support!!!'A one off perhaps? It appears not to the
case as today we received another comment, this time from a reader
called Dave who writes, 'They haven't stopped shipping them at all!! I
ordered a Vostro 1510 6 days ago unaware of the problem with the
keyboard which was apparently identified by Dell more than a month ago
and guess what, it has the same problem.' He adds, 'How can they take an
order and payment for a product they know is faulty and still send it
out as if nothing was wrong with it?'In Dell's defence we should add
that, perhaps, these two units simply slipped through the net but, in
order to establish whether this is the case, we would ask that any
readers who have received either models with misaligned keyboards get in
touch with us via the comments box at the bottm of the page as, if we
receive enough feedback, we will happily approach Dell to ask for an
explanation and a response.Have you received one of these faulty models
having ordered after May (when Dell was already on record as being aware
of the problems)? If so, let us know.(Incidentally, interested parties
may find the comments from many unsatisfied customers on this post on
Dell's official blog.)

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