Monday, 6 April 2009

Concept Aerial Camera, Skyros, Said To Reach New Heights Thanks To Siddharth & Dipti Hanako Kambe

We always think of aerial photographs and helicopters in the same
sentence but now thanks to Skyros, you can take amazing bird's eye view
pictures while remaining safely on the ground.

Interesting concept you might agree! This fascinating device, known as
the Skyros, designed by Siddharth Kambe & Dipti Hanako Kambe, provides a
refreshing view on modern day concepts regarding cameras. If you
consider that not too long ago (in historical terms at least) the human
race marveled at the daguerreotype (1839) and just over 170 years later
we're talking about launching cameras and taking digital photos at
bird's eye view (without leaving the earth's crust!) It is simply
amazing how far we have progressed in such little time.

The Skyros concept revolves around the simple scientific art of
pneumatic pressure. The Skyros aerial camera is launched approximately
120 feet into the air, from the ground, and eventually retains stability
through use of its rotors. As the Skyros floats back to earth, it takes
a series of images, at various intervals, from the high angle position.

Luckily the designers, of the Skyros,ย have ensured that this concept
has an in-built sensor which will ensure that the camera flies back to
the user without the user having to worry about running after it like a
mad man!

Once the Skyros has safely returned to you, then you can attach it to
its base where you will be able to view the pictures it has just taken.

Fairly simple if you ask me!

The Skyros aerial camera is also said to be multi-functional and can be
used as a normal every-day camera, meaning it will be useful rather than
just a gimmick if it were to ever break free from the conceptual stage.

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