Monday, 30 January 2012

Re: Google Buzz Privacy Issues Disturbs Plenty; Harms Nobody Eric Schmidt Says No Private Information Has Been Buzzed by Google Buzz

X_ta wrote:
> Google Buzz was announced last week and we immediately started buzzing
> about it too. So did everyone else but Google s new social networking
> service failed to really impress us. Google s int
> entions were good but not properly implemented. Google Buzz has been
> built on top of Gmail and that ensured the chaos that followed the
> Buzz s official launch. >
> It looks like Google made sure that you d automatically be following
> those people you re mostly communicating through Gmail or GTalk with.
> And other people were able to see whom you were following which is not
> exactly what one would want to be made public, would it?
> Google acknowledged the problem and worked on a fix to protect our
> privacy and virtues but the harm has been done. Google Buzz, a service
> that could grow into a really interesting social networking portal,
> has made a poor first impression. Kind of like the Nexus One failed to
> impress in the first weeks as it was plagued with 3G issues. Now Eric
> Schmidt, Google s own CEO, took advantage of the MWC to buzz (I m
> already using the word too much, aren t I?) about Google Buzz. He
> explained that although the service had a rough start, everything was
> fixed and no �bad stuff � happened. Here s what he said word for word:
> I would say that we did not understand how to communicate Google Buzz
> and its privacy. There was a lot of confusion when it came out on
> Tuesday, and people thought that somehow we were publishing their
> email addresses and private information, which was not true. I think
> it was our fault that we did not communicate that fact very well, but
> the important thing is that no really bad stuff happens in the sense
> that nobody's personal information was disclosed.
> While that might be true, harm was done as Google Buzz revealed
> various details about certain users which should remain private at all
> times. I imagine that some Google Buzz users still blame Google for
> the debacle it has caused and, who knows, we might see some folks
> suing Google for damages. How would you describe your Google Buzz
> experience?Read | Or scroll down for further on topic reading.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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