Wednesday 17 June 2009

Urusakunai Kata Mic USB Microphone for Nintendo Wii Humane Private Karaoke Mic

Let it not be said that, in the past, having had, or rather, succumbed
to a few beers, I haven't felt the urge to share my vocal talents with
the masses thanks to a little tanked-up karaoke action. But, whilst my
voice boasts the harmonic range of an operatic songbird (imagine a male
Katherine Jenkins covered in feathers - shudder) that certainly could
not be said of many of the other participants - and this is where this
Japanese Urusakunai Kata Mic, which in actuality, has been developed
specifically for - but is not limited to - use with Nintendo's Wii
console, could prove particularly humane.

Looking like a curious S M pleasure device that leaves you in a quandary
- because you suspect you think you know what its supposed to do, but
are not exactly sure - the Urusakunai Kata Mic sports USB connectivity
and, thanks to the somewhat overbearing mouthpiece attachment, when
paired with a set of headphones will allow you to reel out your
particularly inspired punk infused renditions of YMCA whilst performing
robotics to you heart's content without anyone else having to suffer
actually listen to you.
Of course, alternatively, you could always shout sing into the
Urusakunai Kata Mic whilst listening to something completely different
altogether using a set of headphones plugged into, say, your iPod, thus
transforming you from a masochist into a sadist courtesy of the good old
Universal Serial Bus - depending on what you really think about those
around you (unless they're extended family, in which case it goes
without saying they've probably asked for it).

The call is yours to make, as is the call as to whether to even to fork
out the equivalent of $35 in order to own the Urusakunai Kata Mic in the
first place being that, ultimately, you're going to be the one that suffers.

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