Friday 26 June 2009

Sony Respond to PS3 Price Drop Rumour 'Forget it' Say Sony

Yesterday we reported on a rumour concerning a supposed Sony
announcement that the source of the rumour claimed could be an impending
announcement from Sony regarding its PS3 pricing and, in particular, a
touted PS3 price drop. But now we have Sony's official response which
basically distils down to 'forget it'.

Sony's official response, from Sony's PR Manager, Al De Leon, as
provided to CrunchGear, reads thus:

As we have stated previously, we do not have plans for a PS3 price
drop, and any rumors to that effect are false and are the result of
speculation. SCEA remains focused on the long-term momentum of PS3. With
the industry's best software lineup this year, combined with our most
aggressive marketing campaign to date, we remain confident in our
approach and the value we're delivering with PS3.

So, Sony are holding out much in the same way that consumers, to a very
evident degree, are - as is reflected in the PS3's sales figures -
whilst the likes of Microsoft have offered a series of reasonably
aggressive price cuts. And, whilst Sony cite the cost of building PS3
consoles as the major reason for holding the PS3's price point in our
opinion this does, to a large degree, strike us as a mixture of
arrogance and a somewhat blinkered take on the current console market.

Sony needs to wake up and smell the coffee. Even as a fan of the Xbox,
it's clear that the PS3 - which, on paper, far outstrips the Xbox in
terms of spec - deserves to be far more of a commercial success than it
currently is and the only thing holding the PS3 back is its seemingly
inflated price tag.

We'd love to hear your take on Sony's PS3 pricing strategy (not that
there actually seems to be one). Is the PS3 too expensive? Are you
holding out till a price drop?

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