Friday 19 June 2009

PocketBook 360 e-Reader Launched Netronix Developed Compact 5" eBook

The Ukrainian based Netronix distributor, PocketBook, have unveiled
their new e-Reader/eBook - the Pocketbook 360 - which comes with a 5
display utilising, according to unconfirmed reports, an accelerometer to
automatically transition the screen's display according to the device's
orientation and which appears to be set to go head-to-head with the
Astak Mentor which appears to be exactly the same device merely branded

Interestingly, PocketBook are presently claiming that they hold the
worldwide distribution rights as far as the new Netronix e-Reader is
concerned, so quite where the Astak Mentor fits into the equation wholly
eludes us but, as they say, time will tell exactly what's going on in
that respect. However, the following quote emanating from PocketBook
sheds some light on the situation:

'This whole design has been developed by our company with Netronix as
ODM. We have paid the whole design development and expected to release
this device very soon under our brand on the worldwide market (included
Russia and Ukraine).

We are deeply sorry for this situation and don't want to prevent the
Russian customers to have one new device on their market but we will do
our best to keep our Intellectual Property Rights respected and prevent
any vendor to sell our ID device.'

Unfortunately at this stage specific details concerning the PocketBook
360 e-Reader are decidedly elusive but, once the wrangling is shorted
out, we hope that somebody, somewhere can offer up some clarification as
to what the device has to offer.

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