Friday 19 June 2009

Netflix PS3 Movies on Demand Service Looming? Netflix for PlayStation 3

Whilst Sony have played down speculation concerning the Netfix TV and
Movies on demand service coming to their PS3 console - to the point of
abjectly denying that the service will ever be made available via their
PlayStation 3 - a survey presently being conducted would indicate that
Netflix could indeed be PS3 bound as well as potentially set to hit
other gaming consoles.

The survey, which asks participants to name their 'favourite' console
(indicating that the Netflix service could be coming to other consoles
depending on user interest), consists of the following text:

Imagine that, as an added benefit to DVDs by mail, Netflix offers its
subscribers the ability to watch movies TV episodes instantly on their
TV via their PS3, choosing from a library of over 12,000 choices. There
are no advertisements or trailers and movies start in as little as 30
seconds. You can fast-forward, rewind, and pause or watch again. The
movies TV episodes you watch instantly are included in your Netflix
membership for no additional service fee.

To take advantage of this Netflix functionality, you will need:

A Netflix subscription
A Netflix Instant Streaming Disc (one-time fee of $9.99). This disc must
be put into your PS3 whenever you want to instantly watch movies and TV
episodes from Netflix over the Internet
Your PS3 must be connected to the Internet
Netflix offers the following unlimited DVD plus unlimited streaming plans:

1 Unlimited: Rent as many DVDs as you want, 1 DVD out at a time, plus
an unlimited number of movies TV episodes that you can watch instantly
on your TV via your PS3. $8.99 per month.
2 Unlimited: Rent as many DVDs as you want, 2 DVDs out at a time, plus
an unlimited number of movies TV episodes that you can watch instantly
on your TV via your PS3. $13.99 per month.
3 Unlimited: Rent as many DVDs as you want, 3 DVDs out at a time, plus
an unlimited number of movies TV episodes that you can watch instantly
on your TV via your PS3. $16.99 per month.
Admittedly, the above is in no way actual confirmation that Netflix will
hit the PS3 or, for that matter, other gaming consoles. But in acting to
gauge user interest the survey can certainly be seen as a tentative
means of establishing any such service's potential user base and, in
that, it could certainly be assumed that moves are afoot with respect to
establishing a strategy with view to offering Netflix TV and movie
streaming via gaming consoles. Or, at the very least, it is not
unreasonable to conclude that the intention is there - or why run such a
survey in the first place?

We'll keep our collective ears to the ground.

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