felt obliged to follow up with another aviation themed bed from the
masters of retired aircraft parts recycling - namely the MotoArt Boeing
747 JetLiner Bed.
Fabricated from a retired Boeing 747's engine nacelle cowling and
featuring an 84 round mattress, the MotoArt Boeing 747 JetLiner Bed is
certain to appeal to those with a particular aeronautical bent - I
include myself, but a) I could never afford it and b) I have about as
much hope of convincing the wife to allow this in our bedroom as I have
of getting in-flight meals delivered whilst she's attired in an Air
Hostesses uniform….mmm….
Moving swiftly on, if you're interested in the MotoArt Boeing 747
JetLiner Bed and are either single or have a wife who's all too happy
for you to shout out 'three greens' having dropped your undercarriage
prior to coming in on finals whilst counting down your approach (I had
to erase what I originally put here, trust me), then you'll have to
contact MotoArt directly for pricing information as these items are
bespoke and are priced accordingly.
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