Monday 22 June 2009

LG Lollipop Cell Phones Aimed at Youth Market 3G LG-SV800, KH8000 & LH8000

LG have announced a new range clamshell cell phones, known specifically
as the LG-SV800, KH8000 LH8000 or, alternatively merely known as the
LG Lollipop - which come with inbuilt LED front panel capable of
displaying animated emotion icons/pixel icons and which have, as you'd
probably gathered, been designed specifically to appeal to the youth market.
The LG Lollipop, in mind of its intented market, comes with a number of
interesting functions not withstanding the aforementioned LED front
panel capable of displaying animated pixel icons to reflect the users
current mood - courtesy of 220 separate LEDs - which includes the
ability to light up in one of 35 colors according to who's calling
(naturally the user can associated contacts with specific colors).
Sporting a 2.8 240 x 400 internal TFT display, the 3G/7.2Mbps HSDPA LG
Lollipop, which has apparently been designed to appeal to 17-23 year
olds, additionally packs a 3 megapixel autofocus camera, offers microSD
card support, and is set to commence shipping in Korea next month in
three colors - aqua blue, cutie pink and boyish titan - for the
equivalent of around $360.

LG Press Release (Translated from Korean)

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