Wednesday 17 June 2009

LG Add to Apple Netbook / OLED MacBook Nano Speculation LG Leak Adds to Mounting Hype

Following on from our posting earlier this month (see: Apple Netbook A
Reality? Rumours Suggest Apple Netbook Set for Q3 Release)) an apparent
leak emanating from LG Korea has served to add to the speculation
concerning Apple's (wholly unofficial and merely speculated upon) new
apple netbook - referred to widely in certain circles now as the McBook

According to SmartHouse, an unnamed source at LG claim that Apple
already have a working prototype of said Apple Netbook (MacBook Nano)
utilising an LG OLED touchscreen display that employs additional
technology to eliminate marks such as fingerprints from appearing on the

Obviously at this stage, these leaks cannot be confirmed as being
gospel, but, as indicated in our previous posting as linked above,
anyone who discounts the notion of an apple Netbook being in the works
is playing a little too safe for our liking.

Whilst we cannot, of course, substantiate any of these rumours we
maintain that they will, in time, prove factual though Apple will
undoubtedly take a particularly dim view of any leaks emanating from any
of their suppliers (though its not as if the mounting hype is not in
Apple's long term interests).

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