Friday 19 June 2009

LEDit App for iPhone & iPod Touch LED Screen Ticker Emulator

Billed as being 'a great way to say something to your friends when they
can't hear you' the newly released LEDit App for the iPhone and iPod
Touch, which serves as an LED screen ticker emulator, is ideal for
conveying messages to friends and colleagues when either speaking out of
turn is a no no or when you have something to communicate that you'd
prefer not to say out loud (such as board meetings).

The LEDit App works by allowing you to type in a message of your choice
of any length - such as 'this stupid **** has no idea what they're
talking about' - which it will duly display in scrolling format across
your iPod Touch or iPhone's display in a colour and scrolling speed of
your choice. And, helpfully - considering you'll probably not be able to
see the screen yourself whilst covertly displaying your message, once
your text has scrolled entirely through your iPhone/iPod Touch will
vibrate briefly to let you know that the message has been conveyed in full.
But, whilst we've used board meetings as an example of possible use, the
LEDit iPhone/iPod Tocuh app could, of course, prove particularly useful
in other scenarios - such as libraries, letting a girl you're interested
in know you're keen and so on.

The LEDit iPhone/iPod Touch App is available to download now at a
nominal price.

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