Wednesday 17 June 2009

Kogan GPS Watch with Google Earth Tracking Packs GPS, Bluetooth & Kitchen Sink, Possibly

As far as wrist watches go, the Kogan GPS Watch a monster (though not
quite as monstrous as fabled Musk Watch) and packs in just about
everything your budding Indiana Jones or Lara Croft could possibly ask
for (apart from anti-wrinkle cream dispenser and a reserve sports bra,
respectively - though perhaps, these days, Jones could utilize the
latter to0).

Featuring an inbuilt GPS receiver which can be used in conjunction with
Goole Maps to allow you to record your death defying trip to the corner
shop for posterity and later analysis (should you have taken a left at
the roundabout the veered right through the sports ground, or, what if
you…) the Kogan GPS Watch additionally packs in a temperature
sensor, an altimeter, a speedometer and even a pedometer. Thus, thanks
to wearing this considerably proportioned device you can at last
established it was around 100 steps to the shop, that the shop was 40
feet above sea level and that you managed to maintain an average speed
of 5mph in a temperature of 32 degrees (no wonder you need a power nap)
whilst out to get your semi skimmed milk.

Offering Bluetooth connectivity, the Kogan GPS Watch also offers easy
wireless pairing with PDAs, laptops and smartphones whereby it will
happily act as an external GPS receiver for use with navigation software.

If you have a wrist strong enough to handle it (we don't want to know
what exercises built up such muscle mass, incidentally) you can avail
yourself of the Kogan GPS Watch for a mere $129 - though you may have to
apply for planning permission prior to wearing it.

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