Wednesday 17 June 2009

HRP-4C Humanoid Robot Spells End for Catwalk Models Fembot Makes Moss Et Al Nervous, Not

Fashion and catwalk models the world over were (not) said to be (not)
quaking in their boots high heels today (think of those frown lines,
darlings) following the demonstration of a new humanoid robot, known
merely, and somewhat seductively, as the HRP-4C, being paraded in Japan.
The HRP-4C robot (or catwalk fembot if you prefer), which weighs in at
just over 38kg (6 stones) and measures in at just over 5ft in height,
utilised thirty separate motors in order to parade around looking
perpetually surprised/suitably constipated (though apparently she's
capable of mimicking a range of human facial expressions), whilst
blinking and saying 'Hello everyone' which is somewhat more than your
average super model can manage in terms of cohesive sentences
(especially if they happen to be Kate moss out on a bender). And, though
she (sorry, the HRP-4C robot) cuts a not unreasonable figure, the Daily
Mail reports that those attending the event from the fashion industry
were not wholly enamoured, saying that they thought her the HRP-4C
robot's figure to be rather ordinary (breasts are to big, probably).
The HRP-4C fembot, which is scheduled to appear in 'her' very own
fashion show in Tokyo next week, is set to retail for around 20 million
Yen (circa $212,000) though, for that price, you won't get a face (which
is fine, as personally it's a super model's depth of character I'm
interested in, I don't know about you).

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