Wednesday 24 June 2009

EXCLUSIVE: New iPod Touch with QWERTY Keypad & Digital TV First Images Leaked

It's not that often we manage to get a major jump on the larger tech
sites but you'll excuse us for shouting this one from the rooftops as,
following on from fervent speculation concerning a possible new version
of Apple's iPod Touch being in the wings, we have the first images of
the new Apple device (yes, we have probably one of the biggest scoops of
the year) thanks to unearthing the new iPod Touch's product page which
is yet to go fully live.
The new iPod Touch's site (not yet live)

The new device, on the face of it, whilst meeting with certain
expectations, certainly has a few surprises up its sleeves. We're not
entirely surprised that, from what we can gather from the image we've
obtained, the new iPod Touch appears to embrace and further the Touch as
a portable gaming device - on the right side of the device you can
clearly see a set of gaming buttons - as Apple are well known to be
pushing the Touch's gaming abilities.

What does come as a revelation, however, it the new Touch's obvious
inbuilt digital TV capabilities - the antenna is clearly visible on the
side of the device (we assume it retracts into the device's body somehow
based on its non-existance on the image featured below) and, from what
we can make out, the display appears to be showing what is unmistakably
the Apple TV UI (see header image). So the new Touch offers mobile TV.
We had not expected that (though perhaps we should have? Could this be
the touch set to break the Japanese market?).
Another major surprise is the addition of a cell phone style slider
QWERTY keypad which we certainly had not envisaged but, for messaging
purposes (as well as using the new Touch with certain text applications)
we don't doubt that the new QWERTY keypad will be warmly welcomed. We
also note that to allow the addition of the keypad and the gaming
controls the length of the device certainly appears to have been
increased in relation to the currently available Touch - though the
screen size itself appears unchanged.
Interestingly, the new Touch also appears to come with not only camera
functionality, but what appears to be stereoscopic cameras - allowing
for video conferencing in 3D, we assume - though these appear to come in
the form of separate attachments that seemingly clip to each end of the
new Touch. Whether these will be bundled with the new Touch or whether
they'll be made available as separate add-ons, however, remains to be
seen. But, as unexpected as stereoscopic cameras were, nothing had
prepared us for some of the other additions that appear to be set to
release at the same time as the new iPod Touch, the most notable of
which is shown below.
We'll admit, we did a double take on this ourselves as whilst we've
heard much speculation concerning what Apple may have up their logo
emblazoned sleeves, nothing (and we mean nothing) remotely suggested
what is clearly labelled as 'the new coffee making iPod Touch Dock'
(which we feature in greater detail below).
It appears that we've merely touched the surface (pun intended) of the
new iPod Touch's capabilities but, on first impressions alone, it has
all the hallmarks of being a particularly fine tuned portable multimedia
gaming device with the addition of TV, coffee making capabilities and 3D
video capture functionality. Needless to say, we'll endeavour to update
you the moment we unearth full details - though we suspect Engadget or
Gizmodo will get there first, as always.


Anonymous said...

I am reading this article second time today, you have to be more careful with content leakers. If I will fount it again I will send you a link

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

Anonymous said...

I would appreciate more visual materials, to make your blog more attractive, but your writing style really compensates it. But there is always place for improvement

Anonymous said...

so can someone or anyone please tell me wen this awsome ipod touch is comeing out

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