Sunday 21 June 2009

Combimouse Combination Keyboard & Mouse Combimouse Follow Up - Backer Still Sought

Though the Combimouse appears to be making the news across various sites
right now we actually offered you a heads up concerning the distinctive
Combimouse Combination Keyboard and Mouse back in October 06 (yes,
really, that far back) - see: The Combimouse - the Keyboard of the
Future - so, following on from the above posting, and by way of a follow
up, we thought we'd take a look to see how the Combimouse is developing
and it appears that this split keyboard and mouse combo, which is billed
as offering a number of ergonomic advantages over traditional keyboards,
is actually no nearer to seeing it into production with the company,
having completed usability studies, still looking for a commercial backer.

Personally I'm fairly surprised that, to date, and after this length of
time, a backer still hasn't been found as I don't doubt that the
Combimouse has a great deal going for it, such as (as per our previous
posting - assuming you've not already clicked through):
Providing instant and effortless transition between keyboard and
mouse operation.
eliminating shoulder abduction - a widely documented and recognised
problem - which is the unnatural opening up of the shoulder in
order to reach a standard mouse.
Minimising prime desk space usage.
Offering left and right units that are small enough to be easily
pushed aside while not in use.
Offering split units that can be placed to the right and left of
center, leaving a clearing for books or other items.
Offering a right unit features an integrated numeric keypad, making
the combimouse perfect for data entry and navigating spreadsheets.
Boasting a multi button mouse which is convenient for gaming, CAD
and most other programs. It is the best system for First Shooter
Featuring a right unit that can be used with a notebook to provide
keyboard, mouse and numeric keypad functionality.
So, in short, there appears to be little forward movement concerning the
Combimouse with respect to seeing it become a commercial reality though
we would hope that the renewed interest the device is now receiving -
and we're happy to play our part here - will see a backer put their
weight behind the project.

We know the bods at Logitech read us so come on guys, why not assist in
giving the chaps behind the Combimouse a break?


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