Friday 8 May 2009

Yashica EZ F525 Digital Camera Redefining ‘Entry-Level’

Having only yesterday today covered Canon's up and coming PowerShot A480
entry level digital camera we simply couldn't pass up on offering a
brief heads up (not that it's especially due) concerning the Yashica EZ
F525 digital camera - a camera which truly redefines the term 'entry
level' thanks to a particularly poor (no, actually, terrible) spec sheet.

So what exactly does the Yashica EZ F525 digital compact camera have to
offer? How about its glorious five megapixel CCD which, whilst offering
less resolution than a number of recently released cell phones is
seemingly so proud of its 5MP status that its emblazoned on the front.

Additionally you get up to 4x zoom (purely digital, by the way - you
weren't expecting optical zoom now were you?) and a colossal 16MB of
integrated storage capacity which can thankfully be supplemented using
SD and SDHC memory cards. Video capture capabilities are also on offer -
with the Yashica EZ F525 offering 640 x 480 resolution video recording
at 24fps. It also supports an ISO range of all encompassing 100-200.

It's almost so bad that we actually find ourselves liking it (much as
you may harbour a begrudging respect for that miserable aunty who makes
everyone's life hell) though, in fairness, at around $88/pound
sterling60/67 equivalent its hardly priced at a premium but, then again,
we've seen kid's cameras offer better specifications at lower price points.

A Japan only product, by the looks of it, the Yashica EZ F525 digital
camera serves, in some small way, to get the Japanese back for them
getting the jump on us in terms of a great many new technology releases
and, if only in that respect, we doff our cap at the Yashica EZ F525
whilst offering our Japanese readers a poorly veiled wry smile.

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