Friday 8 May 2009

Lok8u num8 GPS Locator Kids Digital Watch You Pinpoint Your Childs Location, They Tell the Time

Lok8u claim to have developed the worlds first ever GPS locator aimed
specifically for children in the form of the Lok8u num8 which, apart
from utilising Lok8u's proprietary Cell ID technology boasting an
accuracy of a mere 3 meters, also happens to serve as a digital watch,
thus making it a little less conspicuous than may otherwise have been
the case.

The Lok8u num8 GPS Locator not only allows you to keep tabs on your
child's location via your PC (via Google Maps) or cell phone (via text
message) but also offers parents the ability to set up safe zones which,
in essence, serve as virtual fences which will alert you should your
child stay out of the defined boundaries.

Lok8u detail its num8 GPS Locator's key features as follows:

For you:

Imagine never having to worry about the whereabouts of your child again.
Advanced technology that’s simplicity itself to set up
User friendly portal for locating your child in real time
No range limit - can be used at home or abroad
Compatible with all mobile phones and computers
Child’s location shown on Google Maps or via text message (full
address and postcode)
Create personalised safe zones for your child to play and receive
immediate notification if they stray
Instant warning if num8 strap is undone without your authority
Unit operates up to 100 hours on a single charge
Fully waterproof - even when swimming

For your child:

Imagine if your child had the freedom to play and discover the world for
Funky looking device that doubles as a digital wrist watch
Designed to look cool enough to be a kid’s fashion item
Gives children the freedom to play without visible adult supervision
Provides more opportunities for social activities within their peer group
Less time in front of TV or games console, more time out of doors
Physical play helps combat weight problems and build fitness for future life
More independence means greater opportunities for learning responsibility
Dermatologically tested and designed for all-day comfort
Ideal for children aged 3 - 12 and also young adults

The Lok8u num8 GPS Locator Kids Digital Watch will set you back around
$218 though you'll also have to factor in a $7 per month subscription

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