Wednesday 15 April 2009

Tikitag - Bringing RFID to the Common Man

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) has no doubt held revolutionary
promise ever since it really started making waves in the tech field from
around 2003. What’s held it back is that inspite of the endless
number of uses that it can be put to there has not been a single RFID
kit in the market that you an I could take home and play around with -
that is till now.

Tikitag from Alcatel-Lucent is an RFID kit that lets you connect to the
Internet through material objects. The kit consists of an RFID reader
with a USB cord plus 10 RFID tags. So, if you’re feeling too lazy
to type in the address to your LinkedIn profile just wave a Tikitag
stuck on your favorite coffee mug in front of the USB-enabled NFC reader
connected to your laptop and Voila! you see the desired site without
having to hit the keyboard. Or stick these tags to your business cards
or products and make it easy for your prospects and customers to find
you online.

Although personal and business application opportunities are endless and
limited only by our imagination, the tag reader technology will have to
become more ubiquitous before RFID for personal use becomes a really
pervasive thing. Maybe readers could be fitted into wrist watches or
mobile phones, that would be cool. How radical would a subdermal reader be?

Tikitag kits are ideal geeky toys that can serve as the ideal Christmas
present for the gizmo-freaks in your family. An international order for
the kit from Amazon will set you back only by Euro 34.95.

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