Sunday, 26 April 2009

TFTS Wishes You A Happy And Peaceful Christmas 2008

Well, it's that time of the year again when complete strangers are
actually nice to each other, when liking that otherwise totally crap
song on the radio is actually okay, and when our focus turns inwards to
our families and friends whilst putting, as best we can, our personal
strains and stresses aside for a few days to enjoy the finer things in
life that, all said and done, are far, far removed from the material.

It is, for many (if not most) an especially hard year what with the far
reaching effects of the credit crunch, the escalating level of
redundancies and, of course, the ongoing conflicts that are still, even
as I write this, claiming people of their lives, and with this squarely
in mind this is a time, if ever there was one, to be thankful for the
most important things in life - that being the time spent with those
closest and dearest to us as well as life itself (the most precious and
yet most fragile of gifts).

We at TFTS would like to wish you all, wherever you may be in the world,
a very merry and, above all, a very peaceful Christmas.

Be happy. Enjoy. And, above all, be safe.

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