Saturday 11 April 2009

T-Mobile Samsumg Pixon Becomes Samsung SGH-T929 Leica [File Under 'Rumour']

Following on from our initial post back in September concerning
Samsung's Pixon 8 megapixel touchscreen camera phone, it would appear
that T-Mobile are set to offer the Samsung Pixon under the guise of the
Samsung SGH-T929 Leica - or at least, this is according to as yet
unsubstantiated rumours.Believed to serve as an enticement to customers
(both current and prospective) to help claw back some of the
considerable funds T-Mobile has invested in its 3G network roll-out,
there’s no doubt that, if the rumour concerning T-Mobile carrying
the Pixon (albeit as the SGH-T929 Leica) is true it will undoubtedly
help the company to stir up considerable interest being that the Pixon
(sorry, we mean Leica) is an enormously capable handset that manages to
blur the roles of both cell phone and compact camera to the point of,
dare we say it, perfection.

At this juncture, however, we have to stress that there’s been no
official confirmation from T-Mobile concerning what is at this stage a
mere rumour (though Cellphone Signal appear to have a screen shot that
lends considerable weight to the speculation).

NOTE: You may also be interested in - T-Mobile Samsung SHG-T929 Memoir
Official Press Release [Samsung Out The Memoir, at Last].

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