Tuesday 14 April 2009

EP Site Updates New Features See True Democracy in Action

We are aware that many of the regular readers of TFTS also visit our
sister site, e-Potpourri, so we thought we would offer a brief update
here concerning a number of new features that we've added to EP that
allow you to see true democracy in action (the coding of which called
for us to work into the small hours, hence the downturn in posting here
on TFTS whilst we wrestled with the required PHP).

As those who have visited EP will know, the site's main focus is in
presenting the reader with new items that we think are particularly cool
(or, on a few occasions, perhaps not) which readers subsequently vote on
from a 'what's cool and what's not' perspective.

Until now whilst feedback has been provided allowing readers to see how
many votes each item has received and the average score awarded there
has been no facility to allow readers to gain a wider perspective as to
the overall standings of items - and this is something we have now
addressed after a great deal of head scratching and pulling of hair).

Thanks to the addition of three new pages at last we can offer the
reader an up to the minute snapshot as to the overall top 50 highest
voted/rated items on the site, the current highest rated items in each
specific primary category and the current least rated items featured on
the site. All standings are updated continuously so ongoing voting
effects the standings on a minute by minute basis - thus allowing
readers to see the impacts of their voting as well as to see true
democracy in action.

Interested parties can read about these new features via our News page
at EP.

(As a side note, longstanding readers will note that once upon a time we
ran a voting system here at TFTS but this was removed on account of not
proving particularly popular)

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