Thursday, 2 April 2009

The DiPoker LCD Poker Table - A Virtual Reality For You & Your Poker Buddies!

So ' it's Thursday poker night at your joint and you wanna impress the
socks off your mates? What are you going to do? An extra bowl of crisps
just won't cut it but ' This DiPoker LCD Poker Table is the answer and
will propel you to the top of your 'game.'The DiPoker LCD Poker Table
offers you an amalgamation of tradition and pure modern technological
bliss, featuring a 15 inch LCD touch screen at each player seat (waiting
to be touched and played with!) set in a traditional green felt table on
a stunning wooden base. Each 15″ touchscreen player screen
contains stereo speakers and wireless card slots which are completely
waterproof and dust proof.

Not only does it boast the individual screens, but it also holds a 42'ณ
plasma screen, which provides information to all the players in order
for the game to proceed.

And if this wasn't heaven enough, this baby comes equipped with a 10 x
PC, 1.2 GHz 512 RAM, gaming device & medical equipped certified boards
as well as a Core2 duo server which is secure, fast, prevents data loss
and provides interaction with other servers (Yes - this gem provides you
with daily/weekly/monthly stats which should ensure you're always on top
of your game). The 220V or 110V power supply also comes standard with a
UPS power failure protection system which will ensure non stop gaming
(even in a blackout!)

'A Full House' of features if you ask me!

The pieces, cards and chips may be virtual, but your experience is
anything but! The authenticity of playing on this amazing designer table
is second to none and one can only dream of being invited to enjoy a
hand on one of these.

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