Wednesday, 1 April 2009

Connect-A-Desk Gives You The Freedom To Be Free To Roam In Your World Of Computer Technology

Who knew something this simple would make my eyes twinkle in
anticipation of owning one? The Connect-A-Desk is a new product that
allows people on the move to do just that - move! Laptops can be used
anywhere and everywhere now!

I, for one, am continually on my laptop and would love to be able to
have the freedom of movement at times and guess what? Here is the
answer. The Connect-A-Desk works with all sizes of laptops, notebooks
and tablet computers and can be adjusted to fit any person (no matter,
size, height or shape).

The ergonomic design is both comfortable and clever in that it allows
the user to place it and remove it with ease and speed. This, combined
with its weight of 1lb 6oz, and its size of 11″ x 14″ makes
this unique geeky find a real treat to own; being lightweight and

Gone are the days of back pain from sitting in the most peculiar
positions or balancing your portable pc on anything you can find;
Connect-A-Desk is here to stay and I do hope it's available in most
stores soon!

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