Friday 20 March 2009

Dyson Electric Solar Car In Development Dyson Eco Car – Environmentally Friendly, Probably Yellow, Cleans Roads In Transit?

Firstly, to put our usual flippancy aside, we should make it clear that
there's no signs that any forthcoming electric car from James 'whatever
I touch turns to gold' Dyson will in fact clean roads whilst in transit
but it is known that Sir Dyson is now working on developing an electric
powered 'eco car' which will, we can safely assume, probably be made
available in yellow.According to reports, Dyson's engineers based at
Dyson HQ in Wiltshire are already working on development of the new
Dyson Eco Car which will be powered by an electric motor based on
Dyson's ever popular range of cyclone vacuum cleaners with roof mounted
solar panels serving to top up the juice whilst you're out and
about.'Electric cars are seen as city cars and to go 30mph is quite
enough [sic], but in the future that will change. An electric motor can
go to very high speeds,' Dyson states though there are concerns as to
whther the UK actually sees enough sun to make charging from solar
panels viable (hence the Dyson Eco Car will also offer plug-in
recharging capabilities for the other 364 days of the year).Needless to
say the news that Dyson is developing an electric car is causing
considerable excitement in green circles on account of the fact that
whatever Dyson comes up with tends to develop into a roaring commercial
success. Could Dyson's Eco Car, as well as escalating fuel prices, at
last see the public embrace the concept of electric cars en masse? In
mind of Dyson's track record, only a fool would bet against it.

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