Friday 20 March 2009

Creative Offers New White MuVo T200 Player to T200 MuVo Line-up [New MuVo T200 Colour Available]

If we had a category dedicated merely to new colour schemes becoming
available for already available gadgetry (otherwise known as the 'Are
You Really That Desperate For content Category' - a category that many
before us seem to have resorted to) the news that Creative are set to
introduce a new white version of its MuVo T200 flash memory based
digital audio player would surely be duly filled under it but, hey, at
least the new MuVo T200 is white as opposed to pink (count your
blessings).Offering all the functionality offered by all the other MuVo
T200 DAP devices, except in a white flavour - we'll resist making
comparisons to Apple's shuffle on the basis that that's white too as
other sites have this angle well and truly covered (yawn) - the new
white Creative MuVo T200 will come with either 2GB or 4GB of capacity
and will become available in June.Personally I'm holding out for the
beige version (it's an age thing, you understand).

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