Sunday 22 March 2009

Could Bone Laminate Become the New Eco-Friendly Material of Choice#Bone Recycling - Your Thoughts?#

Whilst trawling various product design sites this weekend we happened
across a series of interesting proposals concerning the use of bone
(specifically waste bovine bone) in which the designer, known merely as
Andrew, puts forward a range of ideas for the use of what he terms as
'Sustainable Ivory' - one of these being the use of waste bone in
laminate form as a new material for gadgetry design.

'Abattoirs would previously get paid for their leftover bovine bones.'
writes Andrew. 'However due to the feed ban imposed during the BSE
crisis, this is no longer the case. An abattoir in Inverurie has to pay
pound sterling1600 every day to have their bones incinerated. Around 3
million tonnes of bones are incinerated every year in Europe, despite
the majority of them being classified as 'fit for human consumption'.
This disposal method has a detrimental effect on both the environment,
and Britain's rural economy.'

Of the numerous interesting and innovative proposals Andrew offers with
respect to utilising the vast and continuous supplies of this
'Sustainable Ivory' the use of bone laminate as a finishing material for
gadgets - which would be used instead of plastic and very much in the
same way as wood laminates - really set us thinking.

What with hide (leather) and bovine flesh being, on the whole (bar
certain religions), accepted products, why should we not use this
natural resource in this fashion?

The question, of course, is whether you, the consumer, would readily
accept bone as a material? Does the idea of, say, a cell phone being
made of bone (in respect of the casing) repulse you or would you, like
us, merely see it as a eco-sustainable use of a natural by-product that
is otherwise merely being disposed of (and therefore wasted)?

We look forward to your thoughts.

[Product Design Forums]

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