Monday 23 February 2009

Rumoured European Xbox 360 Price Cuts Hit Stores Tomorrow According To FT

Rumours concerning an across the range price cut for European consumers
looking to avail themselves of an Xbox 360 console have gained much
enhanced credibility thanks to the UK’s Financial Times who report
that we should see the new Xbox 360 pricing in stores somewhat sooner
than initial reports initially suggested.

Just last week we picked up on a rumour that Microsoft's range of Xbox
360 consoles were to have their prices slashed following similar price
cuts already seen in Canada and now the UK's Financial Times have
further added to the credibility of such reports though they state that
the price cuts are due to come into effect tomorrow (10/03/08) - four
days earlier than previous rumours cited.

Of course we should stress at this stage that these rumours as, as yet,
unsubstanciated, however, there's no doubting that reliability of the FT
as an extremely credible source so we'll be waiting we baited breath to
see if these price cuts materialise as reported.
You can read more concerning these rumoured Xbox 360 price cuts via out
original post: Purported Xbox 360 Price Cut in Europe - Xbox Arcade
Console Cheaper than Wii.


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