Tuesday 24 February 2009

Roland Edirol R-09HR MP3 Recorder/Player - A Major Contender For ‘Ugliest Gadget Of The Year’

Here we are but three months into the year (at the time of writing) and
already we have what we suspect to be the ugliest gadget of '08 staring
us in firmly the face in the form of this truly grotesque Roland Edirol
R-09HR MP3 Recorder/Player (which, we should stress, is primarily
intended to serve as MP3 recorder - thanks Ian).

Sporting a design that manages to fuse all the worst elements of gadgets
long since assigned to the electrostatically charged gadget heaven in
the sky to the extent that it makes the world's first Walkman look
positively futuristic, the Roland Edirol R-09HR MP3 Player's highlights
(yes, it has some redeeming features, as do we all) include linear PCM
24bit/96kHz quality recording capabilities, a wireless remote control
(thus allowing you to control the player while it’s tucked out of
sight), 10 stage variable playback and an integrated speaker.

No information concerning pricing or availability have been released at
the time of writing though, personally, we'd much rather opt for
Toshiba's Gigabit U Series MP3 Player (and, trust me, that's really
saying something - shiver).

Roland Japan [via Dvice]

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