Monday 23 February 2009

Logitec LIC-iREC0 iPod Stereo Microphone Brings Voice Memo Capabilities to Your iPod

When Apple released its next generation of iPods we, along with many
others, found ourselves scratching our heads with respect to the fact
that, once again, an integrated microphone had been omitted from Apple's
iconic digital player, leaving us reliant on add-ons such as this new
Logitec LIC-iREC0 iPod Stereo Microphone attachment.

Quite why Apple have proved so resistant to including a microphone on
its range of digital music players is anyone's guess but, to us at
least, it makes little sense in the scheme of things as the addition of
such recording capabilities (allowing for, amongst other things, voice
memo recording as well as the recording of lectures, et al) would be a
means of adding extra functionality for mere peanuts - being that the
necessary hardware required is as cheap as chips (ten points if you're
already spotted the food motif coming into play here).

Still, Apple, in their infinite wisdom, decided that we really could do
without an integrated microphone so we are left reliant on third party
attachments to add such functionality should it be required, such as
this new Logitec LIC-iREC0 iPod Stereo Microphone, which simply plugs
into you iPod and, apart from offering microphone based recording
capabilities, also offers a socket for hooking up a host of audio
sources as well as the thoughtful addition of a miniUSB port, allowing
you to sync your DAP and charge your Pod without disconnecting this device.

Boo hiss Apple. Bravo Logitec.

No word on pricing or availability at this juncture though, in being a
Logitec Japan device, safe to say that the Japanese market will see it
become available soon.

As for the rest of us, hopefully we'll see it sometime before 2010 -
maybe, if we're lucky.

Logitec [via]

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