Monday 23 February 2009

iPod Nano Purple Coloured Edition On the Cards?

Thanks to an image featured in Circuit City seemingly showing a purple
iPod Nano speculation is understandably mounting as to whether Apple are
due to release a purple edition of their Nano to supplement the somewhat
limited range of colours currently available.

Of course, the 'purple' Nano as featured in Circuit City could just be a
colour reproduction issue, but, if we were to be drawn on the matter, we
would hedge our bets and plump for the image being faithful and an
announcement concerning the new purple Nano being made soon. Of course
we could be wrong, but, let's be honest here, we can live without a
purple Nano so we think we could bear the disappointment should the
image that started these rumours prove to be misleading. (We should
stress that the title image is a mock up created by ourselves and not in
anyway 'real' - we wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of Apple, now
would we).

[via Gizmodo]

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