Monday 23 February 2009

Horrendous Lord’s Prayer Singing Alarm Clock Redefines the Term ‘Tacky’

Some weeks ago we gave brief mention of the Bible Inspiration Alarm
Clock which, to be brutally frank, we detested (a harsh word, but apt
nonetheless) but, whilst we suggested that this clock was particularly
tacky it really has nothing on this appalling Lord's Prayer Singing
Alarm Clock (and, yes, you read that right).

Battery powered, this Lord's Prayer Singing Alarm Clock is a purely
plastic affair, and, apart from sporting the aesthetic sensibilities of
a inebriated bull frog in a cosmetics department (we've not sure if that
works, but we'll stick with it) promises to relieve you of standard
buzzer type alarms that, interestingly, are compared with being
equitable to 'the voice of Satan straight from the pits of Hell' (you
know we just couldn't make this up if we tried) by singing the Lord's
Prayer to you each morning.

If we had an award for the most tragically pathetic gadget we've ever
come across, this Lord's Prayer Singing Alarm Clock, which retails for
around $25, would undoubtedly walk away with gold.

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