Saturday 21 February 2009

Bible Inspiration Alarm Clock Wakes You With Religious Quotes And Hymns

In all honesty due to the quality of the image and the pathetically
sparse information available concerning this product (the site cannot
even be bothered to offer a price, would you believe) we ordinarily
would not have posted about this somewhat curious Bible Inspiration
Alarm Clock but the simple fact that it's so very quirky means that we
simply could not resist giving it a quick mention here on TFTS.

Shaped like a cross the product site merely states that the Bible
Inspiration Alarm Clock 'has a 5 minute sound chip that plays religious
music and quotes inspirational sections from the Bible in order to wake
someone up in the morning. 10 different subjects can be accessed that
quote randomly on subjects such as grief, hope, faith, fidelity, hard
work and other topics of which someone needs inspiration and uplifting'.

Quite a sales pitch (yawn). No price, no details as to operation and
examples of quotes - nothing. Needless to say we would link back to the
site but, taking a leaf out of their book (and being that they quite
obviously haven't got the time to present their products with any sense
of integrity), we just cannot be arsed. Such is life.

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