Sunday 22 February 2009

Animated USB Exercising Dog Joins USB Humping Dog – Just as Funny and Just as Redundant

Longstanding regular readers will no doubt recall the USB Humping Dog we
featured some while ago which plugs into your computer's USB connection
and proceeds to hump away and, well, that's about it (it came sans
memory) - well the next model has now been released in the form of the
equally redundant, but amusing, USB Exercising Dog.

Just like the USB Humping Dog, whose performance few of us could emulate
in terms of sheer endurance, this chap beavers away (for want of a more
apt expression) when plugged into a USB port except, rather than make oh
so sweet love to your PC this particular canine works away doing sit ups
as he fine tunes his already somewhat impressive washboard.

Silly, and, all said and done, completely useless except as a means of
coaxing a smile from all but the most straight faced of people, and sure
to draw less criticism for being so 'overtly crude' than the previous in
the USB Dog series (yes, we had complaints when we featured the USB
Humping Dog, would you believe) the USB Exercising Dog retails for
around $14.

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