Thursday 18 March 2010

Motorola Developing Droid App Store Droid-Only App Store Coming Soon, To Compete With Android Market?

Pictures and information on a Motorola-only App Store have surfaced on
the internet. The SHOP4APPS store includes apps for sale for Motorola
Android phones, and is provided by Motorola. The site is still in
testing and was pulled quickly by Motorola when news of its discovery
hit the internet.
The web-based store can beย accessibleย from a desktop browser (which is
how blog AndroidandMe first found it), but its design makes it obvious
that Motorolaย intendedย it to be viewed on a phone, with the block text
and 100px thumbnails. The store will be accompied by a corresponding
Mobile Client app that will run on the Droid.
The 'MyLocker' section of the site will allow users to view what they've
already purchased – and repurchase them again.ย AndroidandMe
reports that it's possible to buy something via a Desktop Browser, then
download it from your phone later via the MyLocker. AndroidandMe
attempted to download a copy of the SHOP4APPS client on one of their
Motorola CLIQs and it failed to start. Obviously, all this stuff was
meant to be internal.
It isn't clear what roll the SHOP4APPS store will play, or why Motorola
even plans to release it when the Android Market is already out there.
Motorola likely is trying to get their name in the mobile app game with
this move, but I can't imagine many users and developers will flock to
the SHOP4APPS store over the Android Market. No release date information
on the SHOP4APPS store was found in all the covert web surfing.

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