Wednesday 18 February 2009

Eight Piece Wii Weapon Kit For Virtual Knights, Gladiators and Assassins

Sometimes, after a grueling day at work, it can prove extremely
therapeutic to fire up your games console and step away from harsh
realities for an hour or two for, by day you may wield little in the way
of authority, by night you are a shady hero who reduces dragons to
kebabs, stern faced knights of old to cry babies and cold blooded
killers to whimpering wrecks - you are a force to be reckoned with.

Now, thanks to this Wii Weapons Kit, you can take things just that
little bit further, seemingly in a bid to further emphasise the stark
reality of the situation. Yes, you may have cut down an end of level
boss the size of Godzilla in a finely tuned series of devastatingly
choreographed attacks but far from your mighty broadsword being a razor
sharp weapon of mass destruction its actually a somewhat pathetic
looking dagger attachment that could barely dispatch a drunk slug let
alone reap fatal damage against a goliath of a beast that makes your
mother-in-law look positively, and worryingly hospitable.

Still, if you lack imagination this eight piece weapon set developed for
the Wii may help you to assume your virtual role with enhanced vigour -
though we suspect that, unless you're especially young, these
attachments will merely serve as a rather disheartening reality check
just when you don't need it.

The Eight Piece Wii Weapon Kit, which retails for around $28, comes with
an array of weapon attachments including an assortment of daggers, an
axe, a gun and even a minuscule shield with which little Jimmy can
hopefully defend himself as his younger sister tries to take his eye out.

[Source | Gizmodo]

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