Wednesday 18 February 2009

Domino Styled USB Flash Drives Indicate Capacity Used by Dots

Designer Marcos Breder has to be congratulated for coming up with this
brilliantly effective fusion between traditional dominos and USB flash
drives in the form of these rather fetching Domino Pen Drives.

Far from being a mere aesthetic detail, the dots on these Domino USB
Flash Drives actually appear dynamically in order to serve to inform you
as to how much of the drive's capacity is currently in use, with each
dot representing 1GB of memory, thus allowing you to tell at a glance
how much storage space you have left at any given point in time.

An enduring example of simple yet highly effective design, Marcos
Breder's Domino USB Flash Drives are currently a concept work though we
for one would love to see these USB drives make it as a commercial product.

[Source YankoDesign via Digital Drops]

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