Wednesday 18 February 2009

Ion Mask Promises Hi-Tech Protective Coating for Gadgets

The good news for those of us who have rendered precious gadgets, such
as cell phones, utterly useless thanks to introducing them inadvertently
to a dose of the trusty H2O is that researchers from Britain's Defence,
Science and Technology Laboratory at Porton Down have apparently come up
with a hi-tech solution that can be used to protect all manner of
gadgets from accidental water/splash damage.

Known as Ion Mask, the solution serves as a protective layer that coats
items in a transparent layer that not only acts as a seal but actually
acts to actively repel water as well as other liquids and substances
such as oil and grease.

Developed initially as a treatment that could be used for soldiers
uniforms to repel toxic substances such as the fallout from chemical and
biological attacks, the boffins behind Ion Mask are already reputably in
talks with three cell phone manufactures with view to introducing the
Ion Mask protective coating to their products.

[Source | Coolest Gagdets via UberPhones]

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