Monday 1 February 2010

Toyota Prius Becomes the First LTE Connected Car in the World Toyota and ng Connect to Deliver 4G LTE Connected Car in 2010?

Not only is 2010 going to introduce the first commercially available
wireless LTE networks but it looks like various cars of the future will
be able to offer the same high-speed 4G connectivity.
The first LTE Connected Car in the world is going to be the Toyota
Prius. As announced by ng Connect, the popular hybrid car will offer on
board 4G LTE connectivity at some point in the future.
Toyota, as a member of the ng Connect Program, has worked with various
companies in order to transform the 2010 Toyota Prius into the first
connected LTE hybrid car in the world. With technological support from
companies like Alcatel-Lucent, Atlantic Records, QNX Software Systems,
chumby and Kabillion, the future Prius will be able to deliver that fast
4G connectivity that we were waiting for. Such a feature is definitely
most welcomed while being on the road. It s the driver s job to focus on
the road but everyone else can enjoy various services made possible by
an LTE network.
The LTE Connected Car will offer you �entertainment, infotainment and
security services � like vide on-demand, gaming, GPS navigation, vehicle
monitoring, home control and a more. Wi-Fi support will definitely be
included which means that connected devices will be able to browse the
web freely while inside the 2010 Toyota Prius.
We have no idea when your Prius could be transformed in order to
accommodate LTE services. Various cell phone makers and wireless
subscribers are getting ready to roll out new products that will offer
you LTE connectivity and LTE-based services. Most carriers will probably
have LTE available next year which might mean that an LTE Connected
Toyota Prius could arrive at some point later next year. And let s not
forget about the recent announcement made by a lot of important names in
the mobile business earlier this week. An LTE standard solution for
voice and SMS services has been already agreed upon which means we re
almost good to go.

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