Saturday 22 August 2009

Weather Station Shower Mirror Fogless Mirror Delivers Weather Forecast, Time, Date

I'm all for multi-tasking, but even I believe that there's a point where
multi-tasking stops being productive and starts being downright
dangerous. For example, driving your car while texting - dangerous.
Reading the Newspaper while walking down a crowded street - dangerous.
Checking the weather forecast while shaving - dangerous. At any rate, if
you're the type that throws caution to the wind when it comes to
combining your personal hygiene and information gathering, the Weather
Station Shower Mirror from Taylor Gifts might just be the thing for you.

The Weather Station Shower Mirror has a special fog-free coating that
alleviates steaming up of the 7×7-in mirror. Built into the mirror
is a handy-dandy little display unit that is capable of presenting the
up-to-the minute weather information. It gathers the info from a
wireless transmitter that can be positioned up to 300-ft away. You get a
read-out of the temperature, humidity, and the day's forecast based on
the current barometric pressure reading.

In addition to a rundown of the weather, you also get the time, day and
date so you can keep track of how much time you've wasted checking the
weather. The Weather Station Shower Mirror also includes a shelf so you
have somewhere to stash your manscaping products and the mirror features
a swivel hinge for in-shave adjustments.

Three suction cups support the unit on the shower wall while LED
backlighting illuminates the display. Requires two AA and two AAA
batteries (not included). It's constructed of plastic, glass and rubber
and measures 10.75×3.0×11.5-in. The Weather Station Shower
Mirror is expected to be available for shipment on August 6 and will
cost you $49.98 at Tourniquet not included.

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