Thursday 6 August 2009

Samsung Announces Diji-Touch Touchscreen Vending Machines Giant LCD Screens Finally Combine TV and Junk Food

Vending machines are ubiquitous. It seems like everywhere you look
you're being offered something to eat or drink from one of these metal
monsters. There is also something comforting about these dietary
dispensers. The sound of your money clinking down the slot, the rotating
display as your Mars Bar travels down the final leg of the metal spring
toward the bottom with the off chance that it might get stuck right
before it drops. It's just a bit cathartic. Well, if the folks at
Samsung have their way, the entire vending machine experience is set to
change with their new Diji-Touch.

Earlier this year at the CES show in Las Vegas, Samsung announced that
it had partnered with Kraft foods to develop the next-generation snack
vending machine, the Diji-Touch. The new units come complete with a
46-in LCD touchscreen that takes the place of the traditional glass
panel display case found on most machines today. You simply touch the
picture of the food you want and viola. They're also connected to the
Internet for some reason. Maybe you can catch a flick while you wait.
Clearly this is a way for Samsung to sell more LCD units (which
generated 14% of the firm's $21.4 billion first-quarter revenue in 2009)
and another means for Kraft foods to promote its line of snacks to a
new, tech-savvy generation.
The machines not only look good, but they are educational as well. The
touchscreens enable the customer to view nutritional information on the
items within helping them to make more intelligent snack choices in the
process. I'm not sure if I really want diet advice when I'm hunting for
a snack, but I can see where they're going. I wonder if these things
come with a graphic you can touch that will virtually shake the machine
just for old time's sake? The Diji-Touch vending machines are set for a
market test sometime in the latter half of 2009 with wider availability
sometime in early 2010, so keep your eyes open the next time you happen
to be in an airport.

Special thanks to for the killer pic of the Diji-Touch
in action.

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