Monday 10 August 2009

Cresyn Petite Buddy In-Ear Buds Korean Manufacturer Helps You Color-Coordinate Your Nano

There are no shortage of devices, gadgets, and gizmos dedicated to
making your iPod experience all it can be. From plug in speakers to
covers the market seems to have more products than it can handle.
Earphones are another product that has spawned a healthy aftermarket and
when it comes to getting the consumer's attention, it seems that one of
the most common coercers is color. The Cresyn Petite Buddy in-ear buds
will help you get just the right shade to compliment your new Nano.

South Korean electronics manufacturer, Cresyn, has just announced the
launch of its latest set of in-ear buds, the Petite Buddy. At first
glance they appear to be your typical stereo headphones in super-slick
clear packaging. Unfortunately, I don't have any additional specs to
share with you, so we'll have to focus on what we do know. They're going
to be launched in Korea later this month and they're available in nine
different colors. Why nine? Because they wanted to coordinate with each
of the colors of the 4G iPod Nano.
While no information is available as to when they will be available in
the rest of the world, they are selling in South Korea for the low price
of 19,500KRW (about $15.25). In the mean time, you can head over to for more information on when and where you will be able
to get your hands on a set of these multi-colored earbuds.

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