Sunday 23 August 2009

Calvin Klein USB Sunglasses Designer Shades with 4GB Flash Drive Built-In

There's something about the Calvin Klein USB sunglasses that has me both
intrigued and rolling my eyes in disgust at the same time. On the one
hand, they are pretty cool. They actually don't look half bad and Calvin
Klein has found a rather unique way to work technology into their
product line. On the other hand, it is yet another USB flash drive that
is disguised as something other than a flash drive. Ugh.

Available October 2009 for around $200, the Calvin Klein USB sunglasses
include a built-in USB 4GB flash drive. Apparently, you remove the right
arm and viola, instant data storage. I, for one, have had countless
experiences of when I've been walking on the beach or hiking or just
plain looking pimped in my shades, when I wished I could have had some
way to conveniently access and store my digital media. How am I expected
to look good, shield my eyes from harmful UVA/UVB rays, and transfer my
files to my friend's computer? Maybe Calvin Klein heard me.

There is one small design flaw (besides the flash drive in the
sunglasses). You have to take off your shades to get to your data. What
happens if you're outside away from shade or stranded on a deserted
island? Are you supposed to risk your eyesight for the sake of sharing a
few MP3s with your girlfriend? I think not. Maybe if you get good at
working with your eyes closed you can ignore that last warning. And
maybe if your friends are truly friends they'll ignore the fact that you
have sunglasses with a USB flash drive built into them.

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