Monday 24 August 2009

AnthroTronix Acceleglove Motion-Sensing Handwear Motion-Sensing Glove Wants You to Feel the Love

Motion-capture is popping up everywhere. The Wii brought it home with
its WiiMote and the iPod found a way to integrate motion-sensing into a
portable communications device. The main problem with most of these
motion-capture gizmos is that they aren't very refined. By this I mean
they are good at detecting big motions and not so good at the little
ones. The Acceleglove by AthroTronix is set to change all this and its
makers hope that the gaming world will be the first to notice.

So what makes the Acceleglove so cool? Besides the name, I mean. Well,
the big point of differentiation is that it contains a set of highly
sensitive accelerometers in the fingers of the glove. This has the
potential to allow the user to make any series of rather complex and
intricate movements with his hands and have them translated into digital
movement on whatever device he is using. I am thinking that video game
puzzles and the like would be a great market. Think about picking up
small objects off the ground or turning the dial of a safe. Pretty cool
if you ask me.

The Acceleglove is still in the development stages at this point, so its
motion capture capabilities are somewhat limited to a small set of hand
motions like pointing and pinching. That being said, there is certainly
the potential for this little device in a boatload of applications so
let's hope they get the bugs worked out. Initial estimates on a street
price put this one slightly out of reach at about $500. Should it reach
commercialization in the near future I would expect this number would
come down considerably.

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