Saturday 28 March 2009

TFTS Welcomes A New Staff Writer To The Team [TFTS Site News]

As regular readers will know, we have been searching high and low for
additional writers for TFTS for some time now and, whilst we've had a
fair few applications, we have been holding out for writers who, we
feel, will bring a genuine (almost tangible) passion and enthusiasm for
all things geeky as well as a writing style that will compliment the
site beautifully and we are therefore overjoyed to announce that we have
now secured our first staff writer who will start writing for us from
Monday.We would like to extend our warmest welcome to Bo who, apart from
writing for us on a daily basis, will also bring a refreshing, female
perspective to TFTS and, based on the fact that we have a considerable
female readership, we are naturally extremely happy to have Bo join the
team.As mentioned above, Bo will officially begin posting as of tomorrow
(Monday 11th) but, until then, and by way of an introduction, here's
what Bo has to say about herself when (somewhat cruelly some might say)
pressed by us for a little background information:

‘I’m an eccentric South African female designer/writer
addicted to the Beatles and fond of music. So much so in fact that over
the past 3 years I have taken on a series of South African bands and
managed them under the name, 'Black Pencil Studios'. I also run and
manage a series of music festivals in South Africa and love the hard
work and creativity that goes into it. Having said this, I’m a
tech junkie who wants all the latest gadgets to make my life that much
easier, as well as more fun.

I’m a slave to my fancy graphics-enhanced laptop and my
touch-screen cell phone! Sometimes I feel that I may implode without
those 2 objects in my life - keeping me on my toes at all times! Other
hobbies include my incessant need to read, read, read and oh, did I
perhaps forget to mention - read? I will read anything and everything,
from a sweet wrapper to a 700 page novel and I’m rarely found
without a book or at least an e-book sitting on my PC.‘

We would like to warmly welcome Bo to TFTS and we very much look forward
to her first posts.

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