Sunday 29 March 2009

Smart ‘PDMS’ Contact Lenses – Truly Smart or Simply Wacky?

These beauties caught my eye (yes, yes, I'm aware of the pun) ' but
being a contact lens wearer myself, this particular story was one I
couldn't not be interested in. These so called “Smart”
contact lenses apparently measure pressure within the eye and dispense
medication accordingly.
Yes! Can you believe it? These little contact lenses (apparently made
from a material known as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) could be the answer
to early glaucoma detection and treatment.Two biomedical engineers, at
UC Davis, Tingrui Pan and Hailin Cong devised these lenses by placing
powdered silver onto this previously mentioned (PDMS) to create
conductive wires. These wires are sensitive enough that they can record
differential pressure states within the eye and send this data to a
computer to be examined by healthcare professionals!I know it all sounds
rather Sci-Fi and completely out of this world but this could be the
dawning of a new era in healthcare technology. Gone will be the days of
long queues, waiting for a bully in a white coat to attack us with
senseless needles and prod us in peculiar places, all in the name of

According to Science Daily, the researchers are planning on starting
tests with humans as soon as they get approval for their ingenious
design. We can only hope it's before our next abusive consultation!

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