Monday 30 March 2009

The One and Only USB Koala SD card reader &Yes! It's true.

Initially I took one look at this USB Koala SDย card reader and thought,
'shame poor thing has been decapitated' but after I got my head back
into the land of the living, I started to really 'look' at it.
The USB Koala may not be everyone's cup of tea, but you can't fault it
on adorability. Its little detachable head reveals the flash USB drive
port and this particular model supports the entire SD family which
includes SD, SDHC, MMC, MiniSD and MicroSD (however, as expected, when
working with the mini and micro versions, you will require an SD
adaptor).However cute this little gadget is, we can't seem to fault it
on its functionality and my only hope would be that the manufacturers
could include an array of designs to choose from, to ensure that I'm not
one of a million USB koala junkies in the next few weeks (If any of you
happen to be reading, I’m thinking a really cute sloth is in
order!).At $12 a USB, I could afford to get a 'zoo' of potential USB
animals; so whether you like cute things or are more into the macabre
and prefer a little decapitation, this USB card reader is just for you!

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