Wednesday 18 February 2009

Vuzix Video iWear AV920-C 2D/3D Video Glasses Aimed at Console Gamers

Following on from the release of their iWear AV920 Personal Video
Display unit, which, somewhat curiously, lacked the ability to be hooked
up to gaming consoles, Vuzix are to offer an upgraded version of their
video glasses, in the form of the AV920-C (we assume the '�C' stands for
console) which offer full support of consoles such as the PS3,
Nintendo's Wii and the Xbox 360 and boast imagery equivalent to that
offered by a 62'� screen viewed from a distance of 9 feet.

Offering what Vuzix describe as '�a new dimension to multiplayer games'
the iWear AV920-C, apart from offering what one would expect from a pair
of video glasses such as compatibility with iPods, DVD players and so
forth, also have the ability to cater for single console split screen
gaming by allowing each player (up to a maximum of 4 AV920-C '�s can be
daisy chained) to define and hone in on the area of the screen
applicable to their particular vantage point which can then be displayed
as a single video source via the glasses (thus allowing you a better,
less cluttered view of the action whilst knowing that your opponent
cannot seek a glance of your perspective on proceedings).

Naturally the iWear AV920-C Personal Video glasses, which offer a
resolution of 640 x 480 in 25-bit colour, offer automatic switching
between 2D and 3D imagery (the glasses will display 3D imagery created
via the field sequential technique), integrated stereo speakers which
are detachable and, apart from accepting standard RCA signals will also
handle higher quality HDMI sources such as those offered by high end
gaming systems like the PS3 and the latest Xbox consoles.

Due to become available in February for an as yet undisclosed sum the
good news for owners of the iWear AV920 non '�C' models is that Vuzix
are on record as stating that they will be making an upgrade kit
available which will include all the hardware and firmwire revisions
required to elevate your glasses to AV920-C standard though, again, no
pricing details have yet been forthcoming.

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