Thursday 19 February 2009

Minimoo Animal Themed USB Flash Drives With PnP Posteriors

Just when we thought that the deluge of curiously themed USB flash
drives had appeared to be loosing its momentum along come these bizarre
animal themed USB flash drives from Minimoo which include such gems as
Jan the Sheep and Maud the Pig (yes, they have names).

Available in 1GB, 2GB and 4GB flavours and retailing for between $43 and
$75, the Minimoo Animal Themed USB Flash Drive Collection consists of
the aforementioned sheep and pig as well as a gorilla named Fredrick and
Gรถran the tortoise - all of which offer USB 2.0 compatibility (though
we really think Minimoo missed a trick here as Gรถran really ought to be
USB 1.0).

Those interested in these curious USB flash drives can find more details
on the Minimoo Website, though quite why you would want one wholly
eludes us.


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