Friday 20 February 2009

Microsoft Xbox 360 HD-DVD Player Price Drops As HD-DVD Format Looses Favour

With HD-DVD increasingly looking set to become the Betamax of our high
definition age, Microsoft have announced a reduction in price of their
Xbox HD-DVD player in what few would argue is a desperate, and somewhat
transparent bid by MS to clear as many units as possible before the
HD-DVD format officially draws its last laboured breath.

The price drop announced by Microsoft means that their Xbox 360 HD-DVD
player is now available for $129.99 (a reduction in price of $50) which
we are sure will see literally tens of units fly off the shelves as
those who have Betamax players stored in their lofts look to add to
their collection of (technically superior) format failures. Shame
really, as the HD-DVD format has a great deal going for it but we cannot
help but feel that the moment Sony opted for 'that other format' its
days were already numbered.

Quite how long it will be before MS slips that they'll cease production
of their Xbox 360 HD-DVD players is anyone's guess but it's safe to
assume that they'll not be making an announcement just yet.

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